Your teacher
Our approach
Our process
Course outline


Customer journey

Turn your website into a conversion machine

This level involves a meticulous walkthrough of your site, applying a comprehensive checklist to each segment of your sales funnel.

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Customer journey


Challenges we see often

Based on a decade of experience, here's the challenges our clients experience:

Lost in the site labyrinth

Lost in the site labyrinth

Stumbling in the dark on your conversion path? Illuminate the journey with targeted improvements and clear checklists.

Product page puzzles

Product page puzzles

Confounded by your product page performance? Decode the secrets to a compelling and converting page.

Low conversion rate

Low conversion rate

Unidentified weak spots in the sales funnel lead to potential customers dropping off before completing a purchase, wasting valuable traffic.

Journey jumble

Journey jumble

Confused on enhancing the customer journey? Streamline their path to purchase with precision and care.

Conversion rate riddles

Conversion rate riddles

Scratching your head over conversion rates? Apply strategic insights to transform browsers into buyers.

Checkout challenges

Checkout challenges

Troubled by checkout drop-offs? Optimize the path to purchase and turn hesitation into happy conversions.

Course Outline

What you'll learn in this course

All of the levels of the Solid Growth program consist of an online course to get everyone on the team on the same level, followed by a workshop to implement the theory together.

Ideal homepage

Engage users from your homepage

Revamp your homepage to captivate and engage visitors from the first click. Discover how to balance design, content, and navigation to guide users smoothly towards conversion, boosting traffic engagement and sales.

Understand the role of the homepage in the customer journey.

Learn the elements of an effective homepage that aligns with user expectations and business goals.

Develop strategies for creating engaging and intuitive homepages.

Analyse best practices and common pitfalls in homepage design.

Ideal Category Page

Boost product discovery with better category pages

Redesign your category pages for optimal user experience, making products easier to find and explore. Implement effective categorisation and filtering to enhance user satisfaction and increase sales.

Understand the importance of category pages in guiding customer navigation.

Learn how to structure category pages to enhance product discovery.

Develop approaches for filtering, sorting, and displaying products.

Analyse examples of effective category page designs and functionalities.

Ideal Ecommerce product page

Create compelling product pages that sell

Refine product pages to highlight key benefits and features, persuading visitors to make a purchase. Learn the secrets to crafting compelling content and visuals that drive sales.

Explore the role of product pages in the conversion process.

Learn the elements of a compelling product page, from copy to images to social proof.

Develop strategies for optimising product pages for higher conversion rates.

Analyse successful product page layouts and features.

Ideal cart & checkout page

Eliminate drop-offs and have a smooth checkout process

Simplify your cart and checkout process to eliminate user drop-offs and skyrocket conversions. Gain insights into creating a frictionless, trustworthy final step that encourages purchase completion.

Understand the significance of a streamlined cart and checkout experience.

Learn best practices for designing cart and checkout flows that minimise abandonment.

Develop techniques for encouraging progression from cart to completed purchase.

Analyse common obstacles within the checkout process and how to overcome them.

Workshop about this level

Funnel insights workshop

In a walkthrough of your funnel, I'll uncover a lot of possibilities for improvements (yes, I can find things in any website) and share them in a Figma file.

Review of your funnel walkthrough

Adding my ideas to your funnel

Showing the principles and WHY this works

Common pitfalls in funnels

The course is designed to fit into the schedule of someone working full-time.




Your teacher

Over a decade as a growth operator

Since 2012 I've led and helped growth teams from start-ups to exchange-listed companies. Let me bring a decade of experience to you team.

Marketing teacher

Educated over 1,500 marketers, sharing industry-leading practices and fostering the next generation of marketing leaders.

Growth Advisor

On Decathlon's advisory board, I leverage my extensive experience to guide strategic growth and innovation.

Experienced head of growth

Directed growth strategies for well-known brands, translating ambitious goals into tangible results and sustainable success.

Seasoned entrepreneur

Launched and grew businesses since 2012, navigating the ever-evolving marketing landscape.


Invest in your growth

Either buy 1 course, of the programme this level is part of. You can mix & match courses if needed. Contact me if you want more information about it.

1 course

Customer journey


Level 8 Customer journey [5x course access + workshop]

Online course access for 5 people

1 live online workshop with entire team

Created for busy growth teams

Based on a decade of experience

5 courses

Customer Acquisition


Get access to Customer journey and 4 other levels of this program.

Programme contains 5 courses that build on top of each other.

Access to 5 levels for your entire team

Extra access for future colleagues

Systematic approach of 5 courses

15 courses

Full Solid Growth Foundation


All 3 programmes with access to all online courses + workshops:

5x Growth Operations courses

5x Customer Acquisition courses

5x Lifetime Value courses

Access for 10 people

If you have any questions, schedule a call and let's discuss.